Some people think Vermouth is a spirit, but in reality, it is a wine. It’s a fortified wine, which means alcohol was added to raise its alcohol levels. It’s infused or aromatized with aromatic herbs, spices, and roots – depending on the style. Sometimes it’s sweetened. Sometimes it isn’t. And an essential ingredient of a Vermouth is the Artemisia genus plants, like Mugwort or Sagebrush, which are responsible for the Vermouth’s bitter taste. High-quality ingredients are the secret of the best Vermouth brands, such as 9diDANTE.

9diDANTE’s Inferno is a Vermouth Rosso and inspired by Dante’s La Divina Comedia. You can also say that 9diDANTE’s Inferno is like Dante’s journey through hell. This Vermouth defies the traditional Italian Rosso Vermouths, with its modern and unique taste from Dolcetto Red and Cortese White Piedmont. You will love its ruby-red color and the fruity notes with a dash of a bitter aftertaste. It’s the best-tasting fortified wine, with the taste of herbs and spices and the fruity notes, nothing can compare to Vermouth’s unique taste and blend.

Inspired by Dante

Dante completed his story La Divina Comedia in 1320. It’s a poem about Dante’s travels through Hell and Purgatory and to Paradise. It represents Florence’s struggle at the time when the city was giving birth to the Renaissance. It’s the only book ever written in Italian, in a time where Latin was the norm. Now, you can enjoy and drink the liquid version of La Divina Comedia in 9diDANTE’s Inferno!

Vermouth Rosso

If Florence’s power struggles inspired la Divina Comedia, then Inferno is Vermouth’s power struggle as it finds the balance between Wormwood and other rich and aromatizing botanicals. Crafted with an equal blend of Dolcetto red and Cortese white wines, you will never forget that 9diDANTE’s Inferno Vermouth is one of the best wines with that statement ruby-red color everybody loves.

Why You Will Love Vermouths

Vermouth is made with different kinds of herbs and spices, which presents a wide variety of health benefits. You can reap these potential health benefits if you drink Vermouth in moderation. Some of these health benefits are its ability to help digestion, relieve stress, improve your appetite, reduce inflammation, and protect your immune system.

Vermouth Torino is a drink from the Torino region in Italy, which socialities during the XVIII Century. Over the years, Vermouth is being developed to create a taste that everybody will love. And now, Vermouth is used in the modern-day world as the kind of drink that you can add to cocktails to give it a dash of wine taste. The Negroni and Manhattan are two of the most popular drinks in the world. Add a little bit of 9diDANTE’s Inferno so you can remember that it’s the wine that helped create these drinks.