Low testosterone has long been the scourge of the existence of many men. It is wreaking havoc with your libido, causes hair loss, tires you and can even change your personality and cause depression. However, many men may not realize that there are many health problems associated with low testosterone. It is important to be aware of health problems as well as how to stimulate testosterone.


Anemia can be difficult to live with because it causes fatigue, weakness, headaches, shortness of breath, leg cramps, dizziness and even lack of concentration. If one of these symptoms seems familiar, you should really visit your doctor and have your blood levels and testosterone checked. Knowing how to stimulate Testosterone will not act as a “remedy” for anemia, but testosterone plays a key role in the development of red blood cells and your doctor can discuss anemia problems and provide the required treatment.

Cardiovascular risks

Low testosterone can speed up the accumulation of plaque in your arteries. This can also lead to a loss of flexibility in your connective tissues as well as in the vascular muscles. The plate can cause high blood pressure as well as cerebral vascular accidents. Knowing how to increase Testosterone levels will help reduce the risk of stroke caused by arterial rigidity as well as reduce the accumulation of plaque.


If you suffer from diabetes, you are twice as likely to have lower testosterone levels. Testosterone helps your body treat blood sugar, especially those that use insulin. It is important to know how to increase testosterone because Testosterone helps you maintain healthy blood sugar. Knowing how to stimulate testosterone can help both weight problems as well as blood sugar to help diabetes as well as to avoid diabetes before it happens.

Body fat and obesity

There are distinct links between low testosterone and weight gain or obesity. It is very common that obese men have lower testosterone levels. Knowing how to stimulate testosterone will help stimulate your metabolism and help weight loss. This will also help develop muscles when you exercise to help your weight loss. Regarding weight, it is a vicious circle because low testosterone causes weight gain and weight gain causes low testosterone.


Aging can be something that you cannot avoid, but knowing how to stimulate testosterone can help you avoid some of the side effects of aging. For example, low libido, fatigue and even depression sometimes associated with men entering the average age can all be helped when you know how to stimulate testosterone. Heart disease, muscle loss, osteoporosis and chronic inflammation can all be avoided with appropriate levels of testosterone.