Origin of hemp, concentration of CBD, organic, not organic, price, brands… Choosing the right CBD oil for you can seem complicated. This is why this guide is for you to choose the right CBD oil.Read this article to make the right decision at the time of buying CBD oil. Click here for cbd oil canada.

Check the origin of the hemp

As the name suggests, CBD oil is made from… CBD! Okay, so far you haven’t learned much. However, did you know that CBD is a cannabinoid found in hemp? Hemp is therefore the raw material used for the manufacture of CBD oil.

The area of ​​origin of the hemp used as well as the cultivation methods are therefore main elements to take into consideration when choosing a quality CBD oil. Any reputable manufacturer will provide this information to you.

Choose the right extraction method

CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the hemp plant. For this, several extraction methods exist. Their processes differ and do not all make it possible to achieve the same quality of finished products. So, let us talk about the extraction methods:

1st method (our favorite): C02 extraction

Supercritical CO2 extraction is the go-to method for extracting CBD. It is presented as the safest technique, the best mastered scientifically and the most effective. Supercritical extraction (also known as subcritical) creates a protective environment through controlled temperatures throughout the extraction process in order to preserve the various cannabinoid molecules. The extracted CBD is therefore of the best quality.Visit this site for cbd oil canada.

The downside to this method is its price. Indeed, this extraction process is particularly expensive since it requires complex equipment.

However, the best brands use this process in order to guarantee a final product of the best quality.

2nd method: oil extraction

CBD can also be extracted with food grade oils. These oils can be hemp or olive oils. With this extraction method, the final product has the advantage of not having harmful chemical residues, but the extraction quality remains inferior to the CO2 extraction method.

Choose the right concentration of CBD

Now that you have verified the origin of hemp as well as the method of extracting CBD from your oil, you will surely face a new criterion: the concentration of CBD. 2.5%, 5%, 10%, 20% CBD sometimes even up to 30%!

You should talk to a professional before buying CBS. An authorized professional will be able to advise you about the right concentration of CBD.