Valerian root has long been used as a dream. It has also been used as a natural remedy for nervousness and anxiety since ancient Rome. Valerian root was mentioned by Pliny’s Elder (ancient Rome) as a cure for nervousness, while other Greek and Roman doctors used it to treat insomnia and to treat cough and asthma. Valerian’s sedative effects were evaluated by European soldiers and civilians during World War I, who used it to treat the “overloaded nerves” attributed to artillery bombardment. Valerian was part of the United States Pharmacopoeia until 1942 and part of the National Formulary until 1950. It is still part of many official pharmacopoeias in Europe today and is widely used as a sedative. Its therapeutic benefits are also confirmed by modern scientific research.

How does valerian work

The benefits of valerian root have been documented again and again. Relieves anxiety and insomnia. In 1966, a group of chemicals called valepotriates was isolated from valerian, and then discovered as modern sleepers that have a depressive effect on the central nervous system. In subsequent studies in animals with these compounds, these data were questioned. The exact mechanism by which valerian helps induce sleep is not yet known. It is believed that this action is similar to the action of the neurotransmitter GABA.

Benefits of valerian root for insomnia

Valerian takes advantage of several aspects of sleep, called sleep parameters. These sleep parameters are used by researchers to assess the overall quality of someone’s sleep. Some of the sleep parameters enhanced by valerian are as follows:

Reduces “sleep latency.” Sleep delay is the time it takes to fall asleep after turning off the lights. Valerian shortens the time it takes to sleep.

restlessness during sleep

“The time of the final awakening after sleep” is lengthened. If you go to bed at a certain time, valerian root lengthens your time in bed. Another way to say that time stretches, until you finally stand up and stand up. This is an indicator of how to get better sleep and how long you sleep from the lights, until you finally get up in the morning. Or just put valerian increases sleep time.

Valerian reduces the frequency with which you wake up at night.

Valerian reduces nocturnal motility or restlessness during sleep. Valerian has relaxing muscle effects and less night movement in bed.

Does valerian have side effects?

One of the most common complaints of those taking helpers to sleep is the overwhelming feeling the next morning. When researchers compared valerian with sleep flunitrazepam, those who took valerian felt more alert, more active, and felt better the next morning compared to those who took dormant drugs. In general, valerian has been shown to have the benefits of prescribing sleep medications, with virtually no side effects. Is valerian root addictive?  According to researchers,valerian alone or in combination with other compounds has a sedative effect, comparable to that of benzodiazepines.